Thursday, March 6, 2008


Was responding to a friend's mail while discussing as to what has happened to the Idea of India. My verbose thoughts:


Choice - cant have things imposed on people in reaction. E.g. what we could perhaps do is ask our administration as to whats their view on "language" now, now that technology makes a lot of things possible e.g. multi-lingual software.

I value our diversity a lot, at least in my head (hopefully i will be able to assimilate it more as i keep going). We have been able to nurture and grow over aeons by absorbing all things that come to us. We are again faced with the same challenge - western society's influence.

But this age is different -
1. 300+ years of suppression where the focus was to "impose" a new lifestyle on the subcontinent's natives (either deliberate or collateral)
2. Mass media pervasiveness and massive bombardment - Homo Sapiens is a vulenrable animal. It is prone to self doubt and seeks approval. When a "being" is exposed to a single sentence for days and days over years, that "being" starts believing so.

So the western societies create labels and cram them up the media pipes and bombard us with those - "third world", "poor", "bad living conditions", "dirty", "uncouth"...BULLSHIT!!

Explain to me the high amounts of crime stats in the western mouthpieces!!

For long, the western idea of efficiency, of order, of precision has been mouthed out loud. I agree we have garbage lying around in our cities and lot of people cant afford to own a two wheeler. But thats not all that describes a society. We are helpful, tolerant, childish, innocent, religious, historical, festive, traditional, heirarchical, hero-worshipping... long list.

So what?? We are so much more than a 40%-of-their-population-earns-less-than-a-dollar society.

Whats with the selective judgement!!

So let me cut it short

I would want the element of choice to remain while we start looking back inwards for seeking value [and we have a huge screen to look at :)], and try to make sense of what road have we travelled on for so long, what all dotted the landscape, how we affected the landscape and how in turn we got affected by it.

Find those key events, people, beliefs that make us and ADD to them, not just worship them.

Our responsibility is to ADD, contribute our bit back

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